To work with us, you must agree to all of our terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

We Ensure You Don’t Take the Wrong Turn En Route to Success.
Last Updated: 01 January,2024

Welcome to Holinex Ltd. Engaging with our services binds you to the following Terms and Conditions (“Terms”). These Terms govern your use of Holinex Ltd.’s digital marketing services, including but not limited to SEO, social media marketing, Advertising, content creation, web design, and any other services we may offer (“Services”). Please read these terms carefully before using our services.

1. Acceptance of Terms: 

By accessing or using our Services, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, please refrain from using our Services.

2. Scope of Services:

Holinex Ltd. provides a range of digital marketing services as agreed upon in the contract. These services may include, but are not limited to:

    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    • Social Media Marketing
    • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Campaign Management
    • Google Ads, Amazon PPC, Bing Ads
    • Social Media Ads 
    • Web Design & Development
    • Content Marketing
    • Email Marketing
Any additional services requested by the client will be subject to a separate agreement.
3. Payment Terms

a. All fees for Services will be outlined in the contract. Payments must be made according to the terms agreed upon at the beginning of the contract. b. Late payments may result in a suspension of services. c. All fees are non-refundable unless otherwise agreed in writing.

4. Client Responsibilities

a. The client agrees to provide all necessary information, access, and materials required for Holinex Ltd. to perform the Services.

b. The client is responsible for ensuring that any content provided does not violate any copyright, trademark, or any other intellectual property laws.

c. Holinex Ltd. is not responsible for delays caused by the client’s failure to provide required information on time.

5. Confidentiality:

Both parties agree to keep confidential all proprietary information shared during the engagement. This includes any business strategies, data, marketing tactics, and other sensitive information.

6. Intellectual Property Rights

a. Holinex Ltd. retains all rights, titles, and interest in any intellectual property developed during the provision of Services unless otherwise stated in the contract.

b. The client will have a license to use any materials or content created by Holinex Ltd. under these Terms for the purposes agreed upon in the contract.

7. Limitation of Liability

a. Holinex Ltd. will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use of our Services.

b. Holinex Ltd. does not guarantee specific results from our Services and will not be liable for any potential financial or business losses incurred as a result.

8. Termination

a. Either party may terminate the contract with 30 days’ written notice.

b. Upon termination, the client will be responsible for paying any outstanding fees for Services provided up to the date of termination.

c. Holinex Ltd. reserves the right to terminate the contract without notice if the client breaches these Terms or engages in illegal or unethical activities.

9. Amendments to Terms:

Holinex Ltd. reserves the right to update or amend these Terms at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website, and continued use of the Services will constitute acceptance of the updated Terms.

10. Governing Law:

These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Bangladesh (or the client’s country in case both parties agreed before the contract) . Any disputes arising from these Terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Bangladesh (or the client’s country in case both parties agreed before the contract)

 Particulars / What to Do
Result Measurement MethodWeekly feedback on the tasks  Checking analytics of that specific platform Email Analytics (Opening rate, Spamming rate, Activity rate- in case of email marketing)Physical business performance and final results, Monitoring and evaluation  
Reporting toClient
 Particulars / What to Do
Payment MethodBank, Payoneer,Wise Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork, Card
How and when to pay  If you hire us on the marketplace, no need to pay any amount in advance; you will just need to pay the charge of the marketplace.If you want to pay to our bank account, you must pay 50% in advance before we start the task and 50% after finishing the task.You can also pay by PayPal and card through our payment link, same condition, like Sl. number 2, will be applicable.   You will get an invoice after making any kind of payment. 
RevisionAvailable for all tasks
Priority of active Communication ChannelWhatsApp, Messenger, LinkedIn message, Website Chat box, Mobile, GMB Message, Email, Skype, Telegram, Office Address
11. Contact Information:

If you have any questions regarding these Terms, please contact us at:
Holinex Ltd.
Email: info@holinex.com
Phone: +880 1970-866987
Address: Dhaka, Bangladesh